domingo, 22 de abril de 2012



1.   COOPERATION:  is the collaboration of each person when we work in group, also is the process of acting together  
2.  COMPETITION: competition is most related with business process although sometimes is the action of working to get a goal and in the future be a winner

3.  . Which term do you think is more appropriate for life:
In my point of view for the life is more appropriate for my life the cooperation, because if I work to my goals alone I won’t get the same results,  that if I  could have worked  in group.

4.   As a future teacher in which aspect do you think we should focus on and why?

The education will be very competitive for that reason is important think in both aspects but we should focus on in competition.
If a teacher think as a winner will have ideas to change the education and be better to him students.

5.   Watch the following video, a part of the documentary I AM by Tom Shadyac. Write down your reflection after watching the video about the two terms being discussed (Cooperation and Competition).

When some people reflect about topics as competition and cooperation is difficult to me get a decision and decide one, because in all the world there are competition and in the video the author said that the cooperation should be the most important aspect in our life but the people don´t change their objectives they want be a winners.

·          On competition

7.  Cooperation means working with others in a common task. Cooperative people wor together to reach goals.
8.  Cooperative people help each other  complete task

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